Tuesday, May 20, 2008

the hawth health and safty considerations

Today we went to the Hawth Theatre to look at the space in which we will be holding the awards. The space for the stage area will be 10 metres by 4.75 metres leaving 6.5 metres for seating arrangements. Health and safety surrounding the seating area may be that someone could trip and fall on or down the stairs, which we will try to avoid by placing a friendly warning sign for visitors. Another area for concern is that the projector will be placed above the audience and could cause serious harm if it were to fall. The likely hood of this happening is slim to none but to avoid any risk it will need to be securely fastened in its place by a professional. There will be an hour to set up before the show runs to make sure all safety regulations are carried out.

My job on the night will be to direct people to their seats in an orderly fashion.

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