Tuesday, June 10, 2008


We were asked to produce a secondary form of advertisement (the first being a poster) that would attract an audience to the first annual S.C.A.M.P awards which will take place on the 23rd June 2008 at the Hawth theatre in Crawley.

I teamed up with Emma to produce a radio advert that would potentially be broadcasted on local radio stations to gain interest from the local community. Before actually making the advert it was compulsory to create a pitch of all our ideas. The pitch was also to include a budget, a content outline of what the advert might sound/look like, a research audience analysis, details of the resources required and the details of the personnel required including their job descriptions.

The research of our audience seemed simple enough as we only wished to attract the attention of the local community. Seating is limited and tickets are free so it is important that we did not reach out to a larger crowd.

We also researched the cost of hiring a radio studio along with personnel e.g. a radio producer. We found this difficult at first but after searching the internet we came up with the prices and produced a budget. We also gave a detailed description of the responsibilities a radio producer has, as we would need to have one present on recording our advert.

We also created a treatment and script for the radio advert which we presented whilst doing the pitch.

I believe we stuck to the assignment brief that was set but some of our research could have been more detailed and in-depth. We could have done a lot more research on the local community itself and more on the local radio stations instead of just mentioning the names of them. Overall I think the pitch was effective a met its purpose but should have been done in more detail.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

the hawth health and safty considerations

Today we went to the Hawth Theatre to look at the space in which we will be holding the awards. The space for the stage area will be 10 metres by 4.75 metres leaving 6.5 metres for seating arrangements. Health and safety surrounding the seating area may be that someone could trip and fall on or down the stairs, which we will try to avoid by placing a friendly warning sign for visitors. Another area for concern is that the projector will be placed above the audience and could cause serious harm if it were to fall. The likely hood of this happening is slim to none but to avoid any risk it will need to be securely fastened in its place by a professional. There will be an hour to set up before the show runs to make sure all safety regulations are carried out.

My job on the night will be to direct people to their seats in an orderly fashion.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My job desciption for awards ceremony


Directing people to their seats in an orderly fashion.


Creating a script for the night which will be spoken by the host and presenters introducing the nominations, etc.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

advertising campaign

The media department at Central Sussex College will be hosting its first annual media awards ceremony. The awards will take place on the 23rd June 2008 at the Hawth theatre in Crawley. All year groups will be attending. In order for this event to go ahead, it has been put over to us, the first years, to organise the advertising and event planning.

For my advertising I have designed three posters (below) and will also design a leaflet. I will achieve this task by researching advertising techniques on the Internet and experimenting with different design ideas until I am confident with the finished product. The poster I have decided to use as my final advertising approach is my second black and gold design as it has a more formal awards type feel to it and will hopefully draw peoples attention.I have set myself a deadline of about three weeks starting 20th May and hope to have the completed product by 10th June. I will be doing this task individually in our Tuesday morning lessons. Within these three weeks I will discuss with my group what information should be displayed on the leaflet, draw up a few rough drafts and ask the opinions of my peers on what should be the final idea to work on.

I will use the first lesson on 20th May to research and draw up some rough drafts to show to my group and ask their opinions of what they think the leaflet should look like. The second week will revolve around gathering all the information needed in the leaflet then typing it up and the third week will consist of finishing the design and delivering the final product to be checked by the tutor.

poster design take 3

poster design take 2

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I have researched recent awards ceremonies in 2008 such as the NME awards, the BAFTAS, the ACADAMY awards, the GOLDEN GLOBES and also the MTV movie awards. Each are majour events to do with film, television and music which require a considerable amount of advertising to gain the intrest of the audience they wish to watch it. I have also researched upcoming summer festivals which can be found on my blog page.

Performance line up's, celebrity hosts and presenters often cause quite a stir around these events, which will always be subject of the news and tabliods, practically giving free advertising for the event in question. Jay Z head lining the Glastonbury festival is a perfect example of this.

More youth friendly award shows like the MTV movie awards try to get viewers more involved, especially those who are not fortunate enough to get tickets, by allowing them to vote for who will be nominated and ultimatly determain who will win the prize. This involvement makes the fans feel like an important part of the experience.

An awards show like the Oscar's is considered to be very prestigeous and the hype surrounding it it more sophisticated but still about the glitse and glamour of the night itself.

Festivals will mainly be advertised on the radio, internet and popular televison shows like T4 which give fans the chance to win tickets to the events. Tickets for summer festivals tend to sell out quickly and this gives die hard fans a even more reason to join in on the advertising stint.